Birthday Club
April 9th @ 6pm
In the Tee Room
Come celebrate your birthday month with other members during this month's birthday club dinner. One lucky birthday month person will receive $20 off their meal!
This dinner usually happens every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Make your reservations on the app or by calling 636-946-6250 x1.

Bridge Club
Every Tuesday at 9:30am
In the Tee Room
Do you play bridge but aren't sure you want to join a weekly league? Do you maybe need a little refresher since it has been awhile since you played? Do you like to play bridge but aren't big bidding lots of money? Well Tuesday Bridge Club is still for you!
This is a relaxed game of bridge that is open to everyone of all ages and genders. There is break around noon for lunch in the lounge. The Bridge Club is a great way to get to know other BHCC members who like to play this challenging game.
Jayne will have the answers to any questions that you might have. Contact her for details at jmmueller99@gmail.com or call 309-696-6014

Book Club
April 16th @ 6pm
Hello fellow book readers who enjoy great company, food and beverage! On March 19, we gathered to discuss Stephanie Wrobel’s fiendishly clever, suspenseful novel “The Hitchcock Hotel.” The book is the story of a Hitchcock fanatic with an agenda. Alfred Smettle is not your average Hitchcock fan. He is the founder, owner and manager of The Hitchcock Hotel. There, Alfred brings his college friends together for a weekend of round-the-clock film screenings, complete with movie props and memorabilia in every room, plus an aviary with fifty crows . . . and a body! The story is full of twists and turns and a surprise ending, which resulted in a fun and lively conversation.
At our April 16 meeting, we will discuss Ruth Ware’s “One Perfect Couple.” This psychological thriller, which harkens back to Agatha Christie’s classic “And Then There Were None,” is a fast-paced, spellbinding story rife with intrigue that follows five couples trapped on a storm-swept island as a killer stalks among them. The group must band together for survival.
Hope to see you April 16!

April 8th

May 13th

June 10th

Lit Happens
April 8th @ 5pm
Liz O'Connor led the second meeting of the new Lit Happens Book Club on March 11 and attendees engaged in an interesting discussion of “When the World Fell Silent” by Donna Jones Alward. We discussed the Halifax, Nova Scotia explosion of 1917 at length (the largest man-made explosion prior to the atomic bomb) and the impact it had on the lives of the characters and residents, especially as many were also navigating the losses and uncertainty of World War I and the Spanish Flu. We also found and shared pictures of Halifax present day and at the time of the explosion which were fascinating.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, April 8 at 5:00 pm in the Bogey Room.
Please join us for a discussion of "The Secret Life of Sunflowers" led by Ginger Collier. This historical novel is based on the true story of Johanna Bonger, Vincent Van Gogh's sister-in-law who inherited his worthless (at the time) paintings and how she introduced them to the world. Dinner and drinks can be ordered before we start the discussion.